Bettoja Hotels Website Privacy Policy

of the users visiting the websites of Aziende Alberghiere Bettoja Spa

Pursuant to Article 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679


This page contains a description of the policies for managing the website in regard to processing the personal data of the users who visit the site and their privacy. This information is provided pursuant to article 13 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and GDPR 679/2016 – Laws concerning the Protection of Personal Data and the individuals who interact with the web services of Aziende Alberghiere Bettoja Spa, which is accessible by telematics means through the following web address:

which corresponds to the home page of the official website of Hotels Mediterraneo, Atlantico and Massimo D’Azeglio, Via Cavour, 15, 18 e 23 – 00184 Rome, also available at web addresses:

This informative note is provided only for the aforementioned website and not for other websites eventually accessed by the user through links.

Bettoja Hotels E-mail Privacy Policy

Information on the processing of personal data, Art. 13 GDPR 679/2016

Pursuant to article 13 of European RGPD 679/2016, we kindly inform you that our archives and systems include e-mail addresses that have been collected from previous communications through e-mails or any other communication method or individuals who directly provided their personal data. This data is processed in general dealings with the persons or entities. The data will be processed only by our authorised persons in charge of processing and will be retained until the end of purpose for which they were collected and, in any case, under data subject consent. The data subject, According to Artt. 15 and ss of Chapter III GDPR 679/2016, has the right to request the access, erasure, anonymization, portability or blocking of data from the archives and systems. The request should be sent to Data Controller: Aziende Alberghiere Bettoja SpA, Via Cavour, 18 – 00184 Roma or to Data Protection Officer, Mr. Massimo Bruno by writing to the e-mail address Furthermore, it is possible to exercise the right to lodge a complaint to the Privacy Supervisor Authority according to Artt. 77 and ss Chapter VIII GDPR.